Nutrition for carefree weight-loss

Weight-loss or fat loss, in general, is a hot topic nowadays. Everybody wants to lose belly fat and reveal their six-pack, but the question that remains is how to do so? From a scientific perspective one has to eat fewer calories than what they consume, one may eat less than required to lose weight and others may burn some extra calories to balance this out, but is it this simple? Maybe yes or maybe no.

Weight loss and fat loss are terms in which people generally get confused. Fat loss refers to weight loss from fat, and it’s a more specific and healthful goal than weight loss. and weight loss refers to the weight loss from both fat and muscles. So one should focus on losing fat rather than losing muscles as a by-product of losing weight. Losing fat will add ages to your life, it will also make you look and feel great.

   The general rule of thumb for losing fat (weight) is that one’s calories-in should always be less than their calories-out. Every individual needs a certain amount of calories to exist and maintain their weight, and that thing is known as maintenance calories. Depending on the goals individuals adjust it by adding or removing calories from it. Calorie deficits are considered to be the most important factor for weight loss. No matter what the latest diet trend is, the common factor among successful weight loss plans is a calorie deficit. Whether you cut carbs, fat, or fast intermittently

For weight loss, one must consume fewer calories than their maintenance calories, which is called a Calorie deficit. A calorie deficit can be created by either consuming fewer calories than your body needs, or by burning extra calories through physical activity, or maybe the combination of the two.

 Useful tips for Weight-loss

. Drink a warm glass of water first thing in the morning, as the warm water breaks down the food in your tummy and keeps your digestive system in fine fettle. When the toxins are flushed out, it improves your blood circulation as well. Drinking warm water first thing in the works as a laxative and Increases the body temperature and thereby your metabolic rate boosts up.

. Break your fast with a high protein meal: starting your day off with a big high protein meal helps control hunger for the long run, as protein creates satiety and a high protein meal will further prevent muscle loss if there’s any. For more information Refer to

. Have a balanced meal: A balanced meal includes a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, these macronutrients helps an individual repair and recover from the activity the day provides. Having these will help one in their weight-loss journey and even add muscles to the frame.

. Always carry a handful of nuts with you, it works as a snack and has numerous health benefits.

. Meal prepping is the key for Weight-loss: try meal prepping in advance so that the temptation to eat outside subside,  as you will have the food by yourself beforehand only. The benefits of meal prepping are that it controls the portion size and also affects the psychology of the individual.

. Set a meal schedule: Make a meal schedule that coincides with your work schedule. Scheduling your meal will help control your cravings and will help you stick to a schedule for a better day. Meal scheduling is also present is=n an athletes life which in-return give them the chiseled look

. Hydration (H2O): Hydration is often associated with a clear mind, healthy skin, better concentration, and satiety so, switch your other unhealthy sweet beverages with simple yet effective ‘Water’ and say yes to Weight-loss

The water level depends on the level of activity one does throughout the day, but the general rule of thumb i.e., 8-9 glasses of water per day is sufficient. Listen to your body and act accordingly.

. Count the calorie: Counting calories is not only for bodybuilders but for the general population too, as it makes one aware of the micro and macronutrients one is consuming throughout the day. Use apps like myfitnesspal or healthifyme for a better understanding of the things you are consuming, but don’t overdo the weight-loss process, enjoy your life also.

. Save ordering food for some special occasions: Ordering food from zomato or swiggy is the most convenient way of having your food, but is it healthy for you and your wallet? The answer is no as hotel food contains unhealthy oil, butter which is gonna take a toll on your heart and your body. So try saving it for special occasions so that its value remains the same.

. Avoid calorie-dense food as it increases the overall calorie consumption of the day which is gonna make you fat.

. Use caffeine as your best friend, caffeine has been shown to control hunger, but drinking too much coffee can have some unfortunate side effects. Speaking of which, some of those effects can impact your alertness, concentration and cause a sudden crash of energy levels, digestion problems, anxiety so use it mindfully.

. Having some sort of activity to rely on, having a physical activity that is enjoyable and efficient helps an individual burn some calories and subside almost half of your body-related issues, and one way to do it is by going for a jog, maybe skipping, or sprinting. These things will help you survive in the long run.

. Try cooking by yourself, when we cook by ourselves we try to make some healthy choices which can help in the long run.

. If the condition persists, consult a dietician as they may help you even further.

. Avoid the use of oil: Oils used for cooking should be limited as they are calorie-dense and increase the LDL cholesterol levels in the body. keeping that in mind it should be used with caution.

. Intermittent fasting may help: Intermittent fasting is a method of restricting the calories consumed throughout the day by having an eating window and a fasting window. Intermittent fasting has been shown to decrease visceral fat and increase the HGH hormones in the body. Intermittent fasting reduces insulin resistance thereby lowering the risk of type-2 diabetes.


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