Nutritional Needs of Teenager

The transition between childhood and adulthood comes with a tremendous amount of changes ranging from rapid growth to sexual maturation. One healthy individual in their teenage years adds around 50-75 pounds of overall weight and 10-11 inches vertical height, and all this physical and mental growth is impossible without the proper nutrition.

A proper and nutritious diet can help an adolescent grow both physically and mentally. According to WHO” A healthy diet can help to protect against malnutrition in all its forms, as well as non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer”. A healthy diet along with a good quality sleep further enhances the growth of an adolescent.


Nutrients are compounds in foods essential to life and health, providing us with energy, the building blocks for repair and growth, and substances necessary to regulate chemical processes. There are six major nutrients: Carbohydrates (CHO), Lipids (fats), Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Water, these 6 nutrients serve as manure to the growing adolescent and even enhances it.

The fuel for the body

One’s body needs the energy to function and grow. Calories from food and drinks give you that energy. Think of food as energy to charge up your battery for the day, if the battery is not charged, how will it then help you win that one school race or win the football match you have been waiting for. Balancing the energy you take in through food and beverages with the energy you use for growth, activity, and daily living is called “energy balance” and the equilibrium between these two is very important for growth. Good and nutritious food is even linked with high androgen level and HGH levels which is Responsible for maintaining good physical and mental health.

Foods for a better you

Every type of food is made up of three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats, all of them provide us calories which are then used as an expenditure, but the most important of these three are Carbohydrates and Protein. Protein plays an essential role in many bodily functions, including the recovery and repair of tissues in the muscles, skin, organs, blood, hair, and nails. Of the 20 amino acids that make up protein, the body can produce 11 — the other nine must come from food, protein is the building block of muscles, hair, and body. Protein deficiency is also linked with malnutrition, fatigue, poor concentration, slowed growth, bone and joint pain, delayed wound healing, and decreased immune response. the next important macronutrient in the list is Carbohydrate, The preferred fuel for active brains and growing muscles, carbohydrates are found in a variety of foods including bread, potato, beans, cereal, and Oats and Carbohydrates calories are the simplest form of readily available energy. As long as there is not an excess of carbohydrate foods, this energy is burned as fuel. Fat, on the other hand, is mostly responsible for better cognitive function but excess of anything is harmful so the recommended intake is 30% of the total calories.

Must haves for a strong you

Protein, carbohydrate, and fat are a must for a strong and disease-free body but, how does it look like

  • for protein, try to gravitate towards the lean source of protein as they offer many health benefits i.e., building muscle, lose weight, lower risk of cardiovascular disease and on the other hand Though many protein-rich foods are high in saturated fat, raising cholesterol and increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. eg of these will be White-Fleshed Fish, Plain Greek Yogurt, Beans, Peas and Lentils, Skinless, White-Meat Poultry, Low-Fat Cottage Cheese. Lite Tofu, Lean Beef, Powdered Peanut Butter.
  • for carbohydrates, try complex carbs instead of simple carbs as it creates more satiety and will control your hunger for some time, eg of it will be brown bread, Oats, brown rice, beans, pulses
  • for fats, stick to the basic nuts
  • for micronutrients, never skip on greenly vegetables as it is low in calories and contains a plethora of health benefits

Balance the diet with exercise and sleep

Regular exercise or playing some kind of competitive sports ,can play an important normal physical development as well as mental development. for instance Playing outside or taking part in sports, for example, can make bones healthier, denser, and stronger. Exercising on a daily bases can make an adolescent grow faster and quicker as it releases HGH and androgens that is necessary for the growth of the teens .Exercising regularly balances out the energy-in-energy-out concept and improves the quality of sleep which is very much needed for the growing individuals, a general rule of thumb for teen is to get a good 6-7 hrs. of REM sleep. A good quality sleep is a pathway to healthy and wealthy life.

Some Nutrition and activity tips

  • Try to eat meals with social interaction, as it demonstrate healthy eating pattern
  • Avoid dehydration at all cost
  • Add resistance training to further enhance the HGH levels in the body
  • Have a fixed meal time so that one would not under-eat or overeat.
  • Don’t overcomplicate thing, enjoy your life


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